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Yume's Great Xmas Operation - Christmas Eve Surprise Party


Part 4 was dubbed live on stream. There's a link above it if you want to read along.

1: Let's Get Things Ready for the 24th!#

Yume: Uhh, so first you break the eggs, then you separate the yolk from the egg white...? Wait, how are you supposed to do this anyway? Geez-, why doesn't this book explain things right?
Yume: Since Yomi-onee-san's birthday is on the 24th, I was gonna surprise her by making a cake without going to Maki-onee-san or Suzuka-onee-san for help, but this is too hard!
Yume: I can't tell what it's saying when it's just a book full of recipes-.
Mai: Tsubakuro-san? What are you doing in here?
Yume: O-Onee-san! That's what I should be asking you; what are you doing here?
Mai: I'd thought about making some cookies for Sayaka-chan. These ingredients... Were you baking some sweets too, Tsubakuro-san?
Yume: Yeah. I was getting ready for the 24th. I was thinking, after I call everyone over and the party starts, that's when I'll bring out a cake I made myself and really surprise Yomi-onee-san and everyone.
Mai: (On the 24th... So a Christmas Eve party. I'm sure that if Tsubakuro-san did make a Christmas cake, everyone in the elite guard would be very surprised.)
Mai: If it's alright with you, can we make it together?
Yume: You'll do that?
Mai: Of course I will. The 24th of December only comes around once a year, so we might as well make a big celebration out of it.
Yume: Thanks! Oh, yeah! It'll be a bigger party if there's more people, so can you and your friends all come too?
Mai: Can I? I'm glad you asked! Then, let's look forward to the 24th and do all we can to prepare together.
Yume: Wow, I mixed it just like you said to, Onee-san, and now it's looking a lot more like cake batter!
Mai: Fufu, you're a quick learner, Tsubakuro-san, so it's fun showing you how it's done.
Yume: I'm figuring out what to do with the cake, but we have to get everything else ready too, don't we? Will you help me out with that too, Onee-san?
Mai: Of course I will. Since we're going through with this, I want to make it as grand a party as I can!
Yume: Hooray-!
Mai: Since we've decided on that, I'd like to have more friends helping us with the rest. I'll try asking around.
Mihono: A Christmas Eve party!? That sounds fun! Sure, I'll help!
Hiyori: You might be right. It's not a bad idea bringing everyone together at the end of the year to celebrate. I'll lend a hand too.
Kaoru: It sounds like too much work, but Ellen gets annoying bugging me to come help. I'll just get it over with and join you.
Mai: Thank you, all of you! I'm going to go ask around some more, so I'll meet you in the cooking classroom later.
Yume: Wow, you got all these people to help get the party ready?
Mai: Yep, I told them I wanted to throw a big party for the occasion, and they all volunteered.
Kofuki: Hey, I didn't volunteer or anything.
Tsugumi: Shichinosato-san is here to work as payment for eating Kitora-san's share of pudding. Isn't that right?
Mirja: That's correct. I'll have you repay this year's debts before the year is done. Now then, everyone, in order to welcome the 24th as best we can, let's get to work at once.
Mihono/Hiyori/Mai: Yeah-!
Yume: (I didn't think this many people would come help to celebrate Yomi-onee-san's birthday!)
Mai: Tsubakuro-san? Is something the matter?
Yume: I-It's nothing. Thanks for bringing everyone here, Onee-san. Let's throw a good party.
Mai: Sure!
Announcement: Aradama have appeared in the surrounding city, toji are to intercept at once. I repeat--
Yume: Aradama!? Geez-, could they have picked a worse time to show up-?
Mai: This sure is some bad timing. But still, if we want to make sure everyone can enjoy the party, we should finish our duties first.
Yume: Yeah, I'm not letting them stop us no matter what! I'll take them all out in a second!

2: The Two Slightly Off the Same Page#

Mai: It's a good thing those aradama were dealt with safely, isn't it.
Yume: Yeah. I punished them as good as I could, so hopefully they don't show up anymore...
Mai: Hm? By the way, did you see Mihono-chan and the others? Where could they have gone.
Mirja: Asakura Mihono said she was going to practice her singing, and she took Ban Tsugumi and Shichinosato Kofuki with her to the music room.
Yume: (Singing? ...Oh, that makes sense. The happy birthday song is a really important part of birthdays. I'm happy they'd go as far as to practice singing it!)
Yume: We can't have the party without singing, after all!
Mai: That's true. This will definitely help liven up the party.
Mai: (Fufu, a choir singing carols? It's so Christmas-y that I can't wait to hear it! We'll have to get Santa and reindeer themed outfits ready for people too.)
Mai: Kitora-san, can I ask you to take care of costumes?
Yume: Costumes!? You're going to get stuff like that for the party too?
Mirja: Since we're putting on this party, I'd like to do all we can to make it extravagant. I'll go ahead and work on providing the costumes then.
Mai: Now it's just the two of us again, Tsubakuro-san. In the meantime, how about we continue working on preparing the cake and feast?
Yume: Sure-!
Yomi: There you are, Tsubakuro-san.
Yume: Y-Yomi-onee-san!
Yume: (No way, why is she here? What do I do... If she finds out I'm making a cake, the surprise'll be... I need to fool her, but how, umm...)
Mai: If you have a moment, Satsuki-san, what sort of Christmas songs do you like?
Yume: Huh? Christmas songs?
Yomi: None in particular... If I had to say something, I prefer them to have a peaceful melody, as it's calming.
Yume: (Oh, I get it! She asked her something totally unrelated to naturally move away from the cake! Onee-san's good at this.)
Yomi: That aside, Tsubakuro-san, Yukari-sama is calling for you. Please return to Yukari-sama's quarters at once.
Yume: Eh-, do I have to go right now? I'm kind of in the middle of something though...
Mai: If the head of the Origami family is calling for you, you'll just have to go. I'll take care of the rest, so you should go see her, Tsubakuro-san.
Yume: Okaaay. I'm going then.
Yume: I'll be back as soon as I can, so you have to keep the surprise a secret from Yomi-onee-san, okay?
Yomi: You look like you're preparing for something. Would you like me to assist you?
Mai: (Tsubakuro-san said she wanted to keep the fact that she's making a cake a secret from the elite guard... I know! I'll distract her by asking her to take care of something else.)
Mai: Satsuki-san, could you help with getting the feast ready at the kitchen counter over there? We're doing the cooking for a Christmas Eve celebration party.
Yomi: I see, so that's what you were preparing for. I understand. If you need celebratory food, red bean rice is a must have.
Yume: I'm baaack~! Wait, huh? Why is Yomi-onee-san doing the cooking!?
Mai: Eh? Tsubakuro-san, what's wrong? Why do you look so panicked?
Yume: What about you, Onee-san!? Why are you acting so calm about this! I mean, the party on the 24th is for...
Announcement: Aradama have appeared, aradama have appeared. Toji are to intercept at once. I repeat--
Yume: And why do aradama have to show up now!? Geez-, we have to get things ready as fast as we can!
Mai: There's nothing we can do about them appearing this often. Let's all combine our efforts to deal with them again.
Yume: Boo-. If I have to then-. Let's go right away then.
Yomi: Please wait a moment. There isn't much time left before the 24th, so Tsubakuro-san, please stay here and continue working on the party preparations.
Yume: Huh?
Yomi: Let's leave, Yanase-san.
Mai: Right!
Yume: It's Yomi-onee-san's own birthday party, but, asking me to please work on the preparations, she must be super excited for it! Was she always like that?
Yume: But, more importantly, the surprise got out! Onee-san couldn't keep her mouth shut~! What should I do now-!?

3: The Outcome of the Surprise...#

On the day of the party.

Suzuka: As one might expect, after spreading the word to toji throughout the Five Traditions, there's quite a number of people here tonight.
Maki: By the way, I haven't seen Yume anywhere in a while. Do you know where she went?
Yomi: If you're looking for Tsubakuro-san, she's shut herself up in the cooking classroom getting things ready for the party.
Suzuka: Yume is cooking? That's rather surprising.
Mai: Tsubakuro-san, I've started decorating the cake, but would you like to do it together with me?
Yume: No thanks. There's other things I have to do...
Mai: (Tsubakuro-san seems to be in sort of a bad mood, but I wonder why...)
Yume: Sigh... It might not be a surprise anymore, but I've gotta at least make a sign that goes on top of the cake...
Yume: Uhh, I'll take this big cookie, and write on top with a chocolate pen, "Happy Birthday, Yomi-onee-san." There...
Mai: Tsubakuro-san, I've finished decorating the cake, so will you come check how it turned out? I tried making it look a little fancy, but what do you think?
Yume: Ehhh!? This is just a Christmas cake!
Mai: Eh? Yes... It is a Christmas cake. ...Wait? Tsubakuro-san, what did you write on that cookie...
Mai: Wait, don't tell me, is today Satsuki-san's birthday!?
Yume: Ehh-!? You helped me out without even knowing that? Didn't I tell you at the start, we're doing a celebration party on the 24th...
Yume: Ahhh! Wait, Onee-san, did you think we were doing a party celebrating Christmas Eve!?
Mai: I-I did. You mentioned the 24th, so I was sure you meant Christmas Eve...
Mai: I see now. So that's why it sometimes felt like we were talking about two different things. I'm sorry, I gave myself the wrong idea, and even had Satsuki-san herself help with it.
Yume: No, it's not your fault then. I'm sorry too, for getting upset with you.
Mai: It's alright. I feel much better now that that mystery is cleared up. But still, what are we going to do about the cake? I gave it the most Christmas-y decorations I could come up with.
Yume: Hmm, there's not a lot of time left, so if we get rid of the Santa decoration and put this cookie on, it'll look a little more like a birthday cake. I'm taking the Santa off.
Mai: Wait! Just leave the cookie where it is for now! I just came up with a good idea.
Yume: A good idea?
Mai: If we take advantage of the situation, we can still surprise Satsuki-san.
Yume: Wait, what? What do you mean-? I don't really get it, but this sounds fun!
Mirja: Now, everyone, the Christmas cake you've all been waiting for is ready to be presented! This cake was made with the combined efforts of Tsubakuro Yume and Yanase Mai.
Yume: Tadah! Look, look! Me and Onee-san made this cake together!
Mai: I only helped with it a little, so first, we'd like for the elite guard to have a taste of the cake Tsubakuro-san made herself.
Maki: Yume made a cake by herself!? I can't believe it.
Suzuka: So this was the big surprise she was excited about. It's very well made.
Yomi: Yes, I never would have thought Tsubakuro-san could make such a fine cake. I'm surprised.
Yume: Ehehe, you're surprised? But you know, the best part is what's next?
Maki: A blackout!?
Yomi: An aradama might be responsible. I'll get my okatana at once...
Yume: You don't have to do any of that-. Onee-sans, are you ready? One, two-!
Tsugumi/Mihono/Kofuki: Happy birthday to you~. Happy birthday to you~. Happy birthday, dear...
Yume: Yomi-onee-san~. Happy birthday to you~.
Suzuka: Oh my, Yomi-san! On top of the Christmas cake, there's a big birthday message!
Yomi: Wasn't this a Christmas Eve party today?
Yume: Hooray-! The surprise was a big success!
Mai: Mmhm! Isn't that great, Tsubakuro-san.
Mirja: Thanks to the mixup between Yanase Mai and Tsubakuro Yume, Satsuki Yomi was brought here under the pretense of a Christmas party, and the surprise was highly successful. It may have been accidental, but it played out perfectly.
Yomi: Everyone, I'm sorry you had to do all this for my sake. This can be a Christmas party from here on out, so I hope you can enjoy yourselves as you planned...
Yume: There's no backing out of it, Yomi-onee-san-. Tonights stars are you and all the Santas, right?
Mai: That's right. This is a birthday party and a Christmas Eve party. We have an outfit ready for you too, Satsuki-san. Here, please get changed!
Suzuka: My, and how adorable it is! It would fit Yomi-san perfectly. Eh? You have one for me as well? Come along, Yomi-san, let's get changed.
Mihono: Satsuki-san and them finished changing, so, after the birthday song, our choir is gonna sing Christmas carols!
Mirja: Will those of you in reindeer and Santa outfits come forward. Now, let's all have a dance!
Yume: Kyahaha-! That Santa outfit looks really good on you, Yomi-onee-san!
Mai: She seemed to have no idea, so the surprise was a big success, wasn't it?
Yume: Yeah! Onee-san, thanks a bunch. And also, Merry Christmas!

4: Kanami and Hiyori's Christmas Eve#

Kanami: That was a fun party, wasn't it! And you were so cute dressed up like a reindeer, Hiyori-chan. See, look! I took a ton of pictures!
Hiyori: Kh, you took so many so fast it's practically a video... What were you even going to do with all these photos?
Kanami: You were too cute, so I just had to. Ahh~, I'm having such a good time it's gonna be hard coming back down to reality-.
Kanami: I've got it! If we go out around town, the Christmas lights might be up! Hiyori-chan, let's go check it out together.
Hiyori: You want to do a walk through the night? Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
Hiyori: There's not a single sign of Christmas down this street.
Kanami: Uuuu, who'd have thought even here would still be the same as usual...
Kanami: Sorry about this, Hiyori-chan. I made you come out with me and all...
Hiyori: You don't have to mind me.
Kanami: Still... I thought I'd finally get to enjoy something Christmas-y with you. Uuu...
Hiyori: Kanami... Guess I might as well do it now. I was going to leave this by your pillow tomorrow morning, but... Here. This is for you.
Kanami: A cute box with a ribbon on it... Hiyori-chan, what is this?
Hiyori: Y... Your Christmas present. I had to give something back for all the help you're always giving me.
Kanami: Eh-- A Christmas present from Hiyori-chan!? For me? Can I have it? I can really have it?
Hiyori: I said it's for you, so just take it already. It might not seem like anything special either...
Kanami: No way; I'll be happy no matter what I get from you, Hiyori-chan.
Kanami: And, besides...
Hiyori: Kanami? What are you looking all flustered for now?
Kanami: (I never even thought about a Christmas present. What should I do... Umm, what can I come up with quick at a time like this...)
Kanami: Oh, right! I can do that! Let's see, I'll take a notepad and colored marker...
Hiyori: What's going on, Kanami? You just started writing a note out of nowhere...
Kanami: And done-! Here you go, Hiyori-chan! This is my Christmas present to you! It's a ticket to have a sparring match anytime.
Hiyori: Heh...
Kanami: Huh? Normally you'd say something to make fun of me there.
Hiyori: Go ahead and open the box I gave you.
Kanami: What's in it? Umm...
Kanami: No way-! It's a handwritten "We'll have a sparring match whenever you want" ticket!
Kanami: That's crazy! We both thought up the same thing on our own. That kinda makes me happy.
Hiyori: I couldn't think of anything Christmas like to give you.
Kanami: Then, let's use these and do something Christmas like! Come on, hurry, hurry-!
Hiyori: H-Hey, Kanami! Don't grab my hand and start running like that! It's dangerous.
Hiyori: This is...
Kanami: Last year, they had this big tree decorated here, so I thought maybe they did it again! It's as pretty as last year...
Hiyori: It sure is. I thought that, wherever you go around Christmas, there'd be people everywhere, but there isn't a single person here before us. It's nice and quiet.
Kanami: It feels a little strange, doesn't it? Spending Christmas Eve alone together at the place where we first met.
Hiyori: Heh... That's true...
Kanami: Anyway, let's get right to our match! Are you ready to go, Hiyori-chan?
Hiyori: Sure, I'm ready for you anytime.
Kanami: (A sparring session all alone with Hiyori-chan, lit under the light of a Christmas tree! This turned into the best Christmas ever.)

5: Maki and Suzuka's Christmas Eve#

Maki: Today was a completely unexpected surprise. What a nice party this was.
Suzuka: It was. It should make for a good report to Yukari-sama. Hm? But where did the star of the night, Yomi-san go off to?
Yume: Yomi-onee-san said she was too tired from people celebrating her, so she left as soon as the party was over.
Maki: I see. Then, it's about time we excused ourselves too.
Yume: I want to help those onee-sans clean up until the end, so you go back without me, Maki-onee-san, Suzuka-onee-san. I'll see you later.
Maki: It's just you and me now. Why don't we head home?
Suzuka: H-Hang on a moment. Maki-san, it is the night of Christmas Eve, so why not go and see some Christmas lights?
Maki: Christmas lights?
Suzuka: Yes. It's a bit out of the way, but I know of an incredibly beautiful spot.
Maki: Sure, it's not a bad idea to take detours from time to time. Let's go see it together.
Suzuka: Oh my! What a happy accident, that the lights were so much more elaborate than I had thought.
Maki: You were right, it really is beautiful... Though, I didn't expect to see this big a crowd at night in the middle of winter.
Maki: Suzuka, be careful so we don't lose each other...
Maki: And as soon as I said that, she's already gone. Suzuka! Oiii, Suzuka!
Suzuka: Maki-san, what's the matter? You were shouting my name so loudly.
Maki: Well, you just went and vanished on me... With all these people around us, we might get separated again. Here, hold onto my hand.
Suzuka: Eh-- Maki-san...?
Maki: What's wrong, Suzuka? Your face is red.
Suzuka: Th-That's only... It's only because of the reflection of the lights!
Maki: Uh, none of the lights around here are red. Ah-- Don't tell me, did you start catching a cold?
Suzuka: No, that's not the case...
Maki: We can't afford to ignore colds this time of year. Let's check right away to see if you've got a fever. Suzuka, let me see your forehead.
Suzuka: Ma-Maki-san!
Suzuka: (Right in front of all these people...)
Maki: What is it? If you don't hold still, it's hard for me to tell.
Suzuka: ...........................
Maki: Hmm... It feels like you maybe have a little bit of a fever.
Maki: We can't let it get worse, with the night wind blowing on you. Here, I'll lend you my scarf.
Suzuka: No, that won't be necessary. This fever isn't being caused by a cold...
Maki: There's no point in holding back now. Here, I'll wrap you up in it.
Maki: Okay, there you go. We've had our fill of the Christmas lights, so why don't we get you home?
Maki: It looks like the crowds keep going up ahead. Be sure not to let go of my hand.
Suzuka: O-Of course.
Maki: The north winds sure are blowing strong today.
Suzuka: I'm perfectly warm wrapped in your scarf, but are you feeling cold, Maki-san?
Maki: Oh, I'll be fine. I've got the heat of your hand keeping me warm.
Suzuka: Honestly...
Suzuka: (This year's Christmas Eve will be a fine thing to remember. I'll have to offer my gratitude to Santa Claus...)