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Toji Summer Vacation -Hard Struggle Arc-

1: The Hard Summer Vacation to Come#

Mihono: Wow, it's the sea; you can see the sea from here-! I can't wait; I haven't been to the beach in forever!
Kiyoka: I know! Thank goodness they gave us a summer break! I even bought a brand new swimsuit!
Mirja: I always took you for an indoor type, Musumi Kiyoka. But you seem more excited than usual?
Kiyoka: Ahaha... I was looking forward to this. Getting to do summer vacation things like a normal girl.
Mihono: Mann~, if only the rest of the investigation team could have made it.
Mirja: There's nothing we could do. Setouchi Chie said she was going to Okayama to visit her parents, and Shichinosato Kofuki had no interest in going on a trip.
Tanaka Taeko: We'll be getting off in a minute, everyone. Make sure you don't forget anything.
Mihono: --I won't~! Tanaka-sensei, thanks a lot for taking us here today!
Taeko: It's no trouble, really. Just part of my responsibilities as a grown up.
Mihono: Whoa, you can really smell the saltwater!
Taeko: Mm, the weather's nice. Good thing the skies are clear.
Kiyoka: Let's get changed and get in the water, everyone! We only get to experience this summer once, you know!
Mihono: Ahaha! Kiyoka's really getting into it today! Okay, let me just get my swimsuit on--
Beachgoer A: Hey, I think that's an aradama coming from town!
Beachgoer B: Wait, seriously!? You think it'll come this way...?
Beachgoer C: Let's get out of here! We gotta find a place to hide!
Mihono: Aradama in the town...?
Taeko: I'll confirm this with the Special Ritual Squad! I hate to ask you, but could you three make sure everything's okay in town?
Mihono: Ughh~ Why'd this have to happen nowww~... Alright! We'll be right there!
Kiyoka: Eh, ah...
Mirja: Musumi Kiyoka, we have to hurry!
Kiyoka: O-Okay...!
Passerby 1: Ahhhhh! Help me---!
Passerby 2: Eek! Anybodyyy!
Aradama: GUUOOOOO...!
Mihono: There they are! Aradama!
Kiyoka: Uuu... They really areee~... And there's a lot of them too...
Mirja: We won't have time to wait for support... We'll have to suppress them here!
Aradama: GUAAAAAAAA...
Mihono: Phew... That's the last of them, I think?
Mirja: I'm confirming that all aradama in the area of the town have been eliminated. It should be safe to remove utsushi, for the time being.
Riot Officer: I'm very sorry! You had to take care of this place by yourselves...
Mirja: No... Defeating aradama is our duty, after all.
Kiyoka: Pant, pant... Why didn't any other toji arrive...?
Riot Officer: Several mass outbreaks of aradama were found in the surrounding mountains... All other Special Ritual Squad personnel in the area were sent in to respond.
Riot Officer: The aradama that were sighted here most likely came down from the mountains seeking inhabited areas.
Mirja: You sound understaffed... Have you heard anything from Headquarters? Will they be sending reinforcements?
Riot Officer: About that... They're also lacking toji able to respond here in any hurry, so forming a unit of reinforcements could take some time...
Mihono: Mirja-san, we should go into the mountains to help stop the aradama! We can't risk the chance of them attacking people on the beach!
Mirja: You're right. Then, we will be mobilizing as of now. Our objective is locating the sites of the aradama outbreak, and eliminating them.
Kiyoka: O-Okay~...
Kiyoka: (Awww... My summer vacation~...)
???: Fu Fu Fu...! I didn't expect to encounter them here... This is my chance to gather data on the investigation team members!

2: A Call for Relief and a Hole in the Beach#

Ellen: Oh! What a beautiful beach!
Nene: Nene, nene-!
Mai: My family's private beach is a little further up ahead.
Kaoru: A private beach... People actually own those in real life... I thought they were just a thing in movies and manga.
Hiyori: I'd heard you came from a rich family, but... No wonder Kanami suggested going to the beach.
Hiyori: Though, Kanami herself isn't even here.
Mai: Well, Kanami-chan did come down with an awful summer cold just before we left...
Sayaka: ...I'm kind of worried about Kanami.
Hiyori: Don't feel bad for her, Sayaka. It's her own fault that she doesn't take care of herself. She even sleeps with her stomach exposed; she's that bad...!
Mai: Ahaha... Hey, Sayaka-chan. Remember what Kanami-chan said? To have a bunch of stories to tell her when we get back.
Mai: If she hears that we weren't having fun because we were worried about her, I'm sure Kanami-chan will feel guilty about it.
Sayaka: ...Okay, I understand. I'll have fun for Kanami then.
Kaoru: Alright, hurry up and get your swimsuits on then--
Ellen: A phone call at a time like this...? Oh... It's from Sana-sensei too.
Kaoru: Geh, I don't wanna hear this...
Ellen: Hii, how's it going, this is Ellen!
Ellen: Okay, okay... Yes, I understand... Then, goodbye.
Mai: Did something come up, Ellen-chan?
Ellen: Sounds like there was a mass outbreak of aradama in the mountains near here.
Ellen: Which means-- Sorry Kaoru, but it's work time.
Kaoru: Tch, what the hell is the Special Ritual Squad doing?
Ellen: This branch and Headquarters are both very shorthanded. If they weren't, Sana-sensei wouldn't have called us while we're on vacation.
Kaoru: Sigh... This sucks. In the first place, are they even gonna make up for how much time this takes?
Sayaka: ...Mai, we should help too.
Mai: Right. I don't want to have come this far only to not spend our vacation together. If we all chip in, it'll go faster--
Voice: Eeeeeek-!
Aradama: GUOOOOOO...!
Mai: Oh no! There's an aradama coming after her!
Hiyori: Leave it to me. I'll handle this. --Haah!
Aradama: GUAAAAAAA...
???: Sigh~, my hero~!
Kaoru: Ah, I know her. She's a 3rd year highschooler, Watanabe Emily. Even in Osafune she's famous for being a weirdo.
Emily: I'm not about to pretend like I didn't hear that! I am not a weirdo; just a bit more stalker-ish than your average person, and brimming with curiosity!
Kaoru: Yeah, that's what makes you a weirdo...
Emily: Tohoho... I was merely sneaking after the investigation team, thinking I could acquire some data on them... How did I end up in such a dangerous situation...?
Hiyori: ...Somehow, I feel like she's not worth the effort.
Kaoru: Let's just leave her here.
Ellen: Of course. Once we're in the mountains, who knows where aradama might attack from!
Emily: I refuse! No matter what it takes, I'll get that data on the investigation team--
Ellen: Heave, ho, heave, ho.
Emily: What's this...? Kohagura-san, why have you started digging a hole in the beach...?
Kaoru: Kukuku, I wonder why-?
Emily: Ah-, you don't mean to...!? ...A-Awawawwawa...!

3: Summer Vacation Belongs to Everyone#

Aradama: GUUOOOOOO-!
Mihono: Uwawah!?
Mirja: Hah-!
Aradama: GUUUUUUU...
Mirja: Are you unhurt, Asakura Mihono!?
Mihono: Y-Yeah... Thanks, Mirja-san...
Mirja: (This isn't good... The aradama from this outbreak are unusually strong and numerous.)
Mirja: (Asakura Mihono must be nearing the limit of her concentration. And then, Musumi Kiyoka...)
Kiyoka: Pant... Pant...
Kiyoka: (Why did this have to happen...)
Kiyoka: (It's finally summer break... This isn't what I came to the beach for...)
Mirja: Musumi Kiyoka, get hold of yourself! Another group of aradama is approaching!
Kiyoka: Huh...?
Aradama: GUOOOOOO!
Kiyoka: It's got me...!
Kiyoka: (I can't... It's no use...!)
Aradama: Gwaaaaa...!
Hiyori: What do you think you're doing!? Don't look away from your enemy!
Kiyoka: Eh...? Is that you, Juujou-san...!?
Hiyori: Yes. And not just me.
Sayaka: Hup-! Haaah-!
Mai: --Haa-!
Aradama: Gyaaa... aaa...
Ellen: Are you girls from the investigation team okay-!? Sana-sensei sent us to be your backup-!
Mirja: Osafune's President Maniwa... I'm very grateful for your cooperation.
Kaoru: Ah-, save that for when we're done. Damnit, just when I had the free time to mess around at the beach...
Mihono: Wait... You too?
Hiyori: Yes, we're on summer vacation. But we can't just ignore something like this happening.
Nene: Ne-, nene-!
Sayaka: I promised to eat shaved ice on the beach with Mai. So I don't want aradama stopping us.
Mai: Right! And it's not just us; all the regular beachgoers wouldn't be able to enjoy themselves either!
Kiyoka: Juujou-san, Itomi-san, and Yanase-san...!
Kiyoka: (That's right, everyone else is going through this too... I'm not the only one who came here to have a good time... Somehow, I hadn't realized that...)
Kiyoka: (But I can't keep just complaining about it!)
Kiyoka: Hah-- Yaaaaa-!
Aradama: GWAAAaaaaaa...
Mirja: Fu, you've finally gotten serious.
Kaoru: Then let's finish 'em off. If we don't hurry, the tide'll come in.
Mihono: The tide? What about it?
Hiyori: Don't mind us, it's a private matter.
Hiyori: Mihono, have you caught your breath? We need to quickly eliminate them here and keep moving.
Mihono: Y-Yeah!
Emily: Is anybody there-! Can somebody help me-! They buried me in the sand and left; isn't that terrible---!
Emily: Ah... Is it my imagination... Or are the waves creeping ever closer...? Does that mean this spot will be underwater in just a few hours...? Err, I don't have gills last I checked...?
Emily: ...ANYBODYYYYYY---!!!

4: Before the Tide Rolls In#

Mirja: According to the spectrum finder, these are the last remaining aradama in the mountains! We'll exterminate them here!
Mihono: Got it-!
Kiyoka: Yaaaaah-!
Aradama: GAAAAAAaaaaaa...
Mihono: Nice going...!
Mirja: Suppression of all aradama confirmed. Good work, everyone.
Kiyoka: Eh? Was that the last one?
Ellen: You got so carried away while you were fighting, huh Kiyoka!
Kaoru: Yeah, you went all out. Way to go, you.
Kiyoka: That's all of them...? Then, our summer vacation...
Mai: Ah, that's right! Hey, Musumi-san? It might have been fate running into you here, so would you like to come back to the beach with us?
Ellen: Good idea! I'm all for it, Maimai!
Hiyori: The Yanase family apparently owns a private beach near here. There won't be anyone around, so we can do whatever we want.
Sayaka: And they have shaved ice.
Nene: Nene, nenene-!
Kiyoka: A private beach, with shaved ice...! Oh, but...?
Mirja: Don't worry, Musumi Kiyoka. The Special Ritual Squad will take care of the cleanup work to be done here.
Mihono: Yeah, we don't often get an invitation like this! Let's go, Kiyoka!
Kiyoka: Okay!
Kaoru: ...Oh. Oi, Ellen, what time is it?
Ellen: What time? Well, it's still a while before sunset...
Ellen: Ahhh-! I totally forgot-!
Emily: How could you be so cruellll-! Humans can't breathe underwater, you knowwwwww-!
Kaoru: Uh, my bad, my bad. But it's not such a big deal, right? You only got a little wet.
Ellen: Sorry, we'll bury you a little further away next time.
Emily: Nooooo-! Don't bury me at alllll-!
Mihono: We made it back to the beach so fast thanks to you, Kiyoka. You were really awesome back there.
Kiyoka: You're exaggerating... But...
Kiyoka: I've never had a chance to go on a trip with anyone during summer vacation before...
Kiyoka: But since I became a member of the investigation team, I got to know everyone, so I was really looking forward to this...
Kiyoka: Still, I'm not the only one who felt like that. Nobody wants their precious summer vacation interrupted.
Kiyoka: So when I thought about that, I thought I had to try extra hard for all those people...
Mihono: Kiyoka...
Kiyoka: I'm happy I got to be a member of this investigation team. Because if I hadn't, I just know I never would have realized something so simple.
Kiyoka: So I want to get a lot closer with everyone. Not just the investigation team of course, but with all the people I've met so far...
Mai: Mihono-chaaan, Musumi-saaan! If you don't put your swimsuits on soon, the sun will set before you know it!
Mihono: C'mon, Kiyoka! Here's your chance to get closer to Mai and the rest! Summer vacation's just getting started, after all!
Kiyoka: --Right!

That night, on a mountain near the coast--

Taeko: Hmm... I helped the Special Ritual Squad with their after-investigation, but we couldn't find a clue as to the source of the mass outbreak...
Taeko: ...We may need to do a little more research into this area...