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Pair vs Pair! The New Year's Karuta Competition

1: Shoot for Victory! New Year's Karuta Competition#

Hiyori: It feels a lot more empty than usual around here.
Kanami: Well, everyone who isn't on duty over New Year's break started going back home.
Hiyori: Oh, so it's that time already?
Kanami: That reminds me, Hiyori-chan, did you see the poster on the bulletin board?
Hiyori: Did something happen?
Kanami: For New Year's, the Origami family is sponsoring a karuta competition! Do you want to sign up for it with me?
Hiyori: Sorry, but I don't have time to spend the start of the year playing a game for kids. If you want to sign up, Kanami, you should do it yourself.
Kanami: But you see, the thing about this competition is, you have to sign up in pairs to participate. So please, Hiyori-chan! Help me out!
Hiyori: Why do you want to join in this competition so badly anyway?
Kanami: Haven't you heard, Hiyori-chan? The karuta legend about the Origami family.
Hiyori: Nn? What's that supposed to mean?
Kanami: It's about the karuta cards they only use in the final match. This legend's been passed down for a reaaaally long time.
Kanami: Whoever wins using those karuta cards will go on to prove themselves as the strongest toji that year!
Hiyori: Whoever wins in the finals... So you're saying, the title of strongest toji only goes to the winning pair?
Kanami: That's right! And what better way to start off the year than by winning that title? So let's enter together! Come on!
Hiyori: This all sounds stupid. That's just a meaningless rumor.
Kanami: Nnnn, then how about this! If we win together, I'll use my New Year's money to buy you a whole lot of chocolate mint ice cream!
Hiyori: You'll do what...?
Hiyori: Well, if you're willing to go that far, I'll join you.
Kanami: Yesss-! You're always reliable, Hiyori-chan. I knew that would make you come around!
Hiyori: I-It's not like I'm doing this for chocolate mint, okay.
Hiyori: Because we're stuck here on standby duty over the holiday, I can tell we're going to be spending a lot of time together...
Hiyori: And, since Mai and Sayaka both left, I figured there's no one besides me you would be able to pair up with...
Kanami: Well, so long as you made up your mind, let's go fill out our entry right now!
Hiyori: Hey, Kanami! Don't leave me behind like that.
Hiyori: The competition was cancelled!? Why would they do that?
Organizer: It hasn't been decided yet, but... Some of the prized cards that were going to be used in the finals were taken by aradama.
Organizer: It's tradition to use those cards in the competition, so the decision was made that it has to be cancelled if they can't be recovered before the end of the year...
Kanami: I can't believe this...
Hiyori: Alright, Kanami. Let's get those cards back from the aradama!
Kanami: Hiyori-chan! That's it! That's all we have to do.
Organizer: You'll lend a hand? That would be a big help.
Kanami: Look at you, Hiyori-chan, getting all motivated! That chocolate mint really did the trick, huh?
Hiyori: W-Will you just drop that already... You've got it all wrong.
Hiyori: You did a lot for me this year, so I thought that, at least for New Year's, it wouldn't be so bad to do what you want.
Kanami: Hiyori-chan! I'm really glad to hear it~. If that's how you feel, let's win this thing for sure!
Hiyori: Right. And to make that happen, we need to kill those aradama first.

2: The Elite Guard's End of the Year#

Suzuka: Phew, with this, all my desk work that needed finishing before the year's end is complete. Done at last. How are you handling things, Yomi-san, Maki-san?
Yomi: I finished this year's duties yesterday, so I've started on next year's in advance.
Maki: I also finished not long ago, so I began getting things ready for New Year's.
Suzuka: Oh, Maki-san, are you not returning home this year?
Maki: I'm not. I'll stay behind again this time, so you two can return home with no worries.
Suzuka: Our work in the elite guard isn't affected by Obon or New Year's. Additionally, there is an important duty we need to fulfill together at the beginning of the year, Maki-san.
Maki: What duty? Did Yukari-sama give some kind of order?
Suzuka: That's not what I meant. Have you already forgotten the promise you made me at the start of this year?
Suzuka: You said we would win the karuta tournament together again this time.
Maki: Oh, that's all. But that's also an important event for us. We'll have to work hard to get our second consecutive victory.
Suzuka: And in doing so, I'll stay behind with you, Maki-san. Yomi, you can return to your hometown if you like.
Yomi: No, that won't be necessary. I had also intended to hold off from returning home through the end of the year...
Maki: Are you sure? Your hometown is busy with its own traditional events, isn't it?
Suzuka: If I recall, on the night of New Year's Eve, there's that thing with the scary face that goes around to all the houses... What was it again? Oh, the Namahage!
Yomi: Ahh...
Maki: What's wrong, Yomi?
Suzuka: Could it be you're afraid of the Namahage?
Yomi: No, it's nothing like that...
Yume: Hey, hey, onee-sans, did you hear? They might be cancelling the New Year's karuta competition!
Maki: What? Yume, are you telling the truth?
Yume: It's true. The management onee-sans were just talking about it.
Yume: Since some aradama took the cards, if they can't find all of them, they said they can't do the competition.
Suzuka: My, what rude aradama. Maki-san, for the sake of our second victory, why don't we recover those cards?
Maki: Of course, straight away.
Yukari: All of you are here? Good. Konohana, Satsuki, I have a special New Year's mission to assign you. The two of you are to return to your hometowns and work to maintain public order.
Yomi: My hometown...
Yukari: There won't be an issue here with Shidou and Tsubakuro remaining on guard. You've all finished your standard business for the year, haven't you? Then get your things ready and depart for your assignment as soon as possible.
Suzuka: (Could this be Yukari-sama's way of showing her gratitude, by allowing us to return to our homes? In that case, I can't exactly refuse her kindness.)
Suzuka: Yomi, we should start preparing to leave right away.
Yomi: Yes...
Yomi: (I thought I would be able to avoid it this New Year's Eve, but if Yukari-sama orders me to go, I have no choice... Sigh...)
Maki: I guess it's no use if a special mission came up. I'll have to sit out next year's karuta competition...
Yume: What are you talking about, Maki-onee-san? I'm here, you know? We can win it together!
Maki: You'll compete with me, Yume?
Yume: If you win the karuta competition, you get a whole lot stronger, don't you? So of course I'm gonna win that!
Maki: Then, on the first step toward our victory, let's recover the cards those aradama stole!

3: The Investigation Team's End of the Year#

Mirja: Thanks to all of your efforts, the mission to suppress aradama and recover the karuta cards has been successfully carried out.
Mirja: It's highly likely this will be our last assignment of the year. You've all worked very hard.
Kofuki: Tch, what a downer. I wanted to keep the love going with aradama-chan.
Yui: In that case, how about I could be your aradama-chan? Come on, Kofuki-san, dive right in!
Kofuki: Knock it off! Don't grab at me like that with all these people around-!
Yui: But it's so cold. Christmas is over, and New Year's is almost here. This is the number one season to find some human heat~.
Kiyoka: Still, I'm so glad we managed to safely finish our missions this year. It would be nice if we could go on like this through New Year's without anything happening.
Mihono: Yeah, I can't wait for the New Year's soba and stuff! But also, is that legend for real? The one where, whoever wins the karuta competition will become the strongest toji?
Chie: The winners this year were Shidou-san and Konohana-san of the elite guard, so it might be unexpectedly true.
Mihono: In that case, we've gotta win it! Though I don't really know how.
Mirja: In terms of vital skills to karuta, you need immediate reflexes and the intuition to guess at a card's contents from the first syllables said.
Kofuki: Hmm. Well, I don't care about anything that doesn't involve aradama-chan, so I'm not entering...
Mihono: It sounds like we just need to team up with Mirja-san to win then! I want to be with Mirja-san!
Kiyoka: Eh... I was going to offer being with her too though.
Yui: Hold it right there-! I'm the one who'll be in a couple with Mirja-san!
Chie: I think it's called a pair, not a couple... But when it comes to winning, I'd also like to pair with Mirja-san.
Kofuki: Well look who's popular, Mirja. What'll you do?
Mirja: I wouldn't want to cause needless conflict here at the end of the year. We should give everyone a fair chance and decide this by lottery.
Kiyoka: Lottery?
Mirja: In truth, there is one more skill necessary for karuta.
Mirja: That is, luck! Whether the cards will be placed in a favorable position when you need them is a matter of luck.
Chie: That makes sense. But, how are we going to do a lottery here?
Mirja: They have just the thing we need over there.
Kofuki: Wait, that's the shopping district's lottery!
Mirja: I have been steadily gathering lottery tickets, so this is a good opportunity. Whoever can draw the greatest prize and prove their luck will be the one I pair with.
Mihono: Sounds easy! Here goes nothing-!
Mihono: Ughh, 10 is a box of tissues. Don't tell me, I already had the worst luck and got the consolation prize...
Chie: I'll go next. Let's see.
Kofuki: 11! There was actually something worse than what Mihocchi got! ...Just a thing of pocket tissues. Ahh, that's a pretty normal consolation prize.
Kiyoka: Now I'll try! There!
Kiyoka: Yes! It's a different colored ball than the last two! I wonder what I got.
Kiyoka: Aw, it's a candy... Did I get the worst with a 12 then?
Yui: Looks like none of you have anything to show for yourselves, huh. Here's where I whip out a prize that'll put you all to shame!
Kofuki: Kiyoka, that's a flag right there. For sure she's gonna get something even worse than a candy now...
Yui: N-No waaay! A trip to Guam for two!!
Yui: I did it-! I'm going on an overseas vacation with Mirja-san!
Mirja: I didn't say I would go with you.
Yui: Ehhh, but this is the lottery I drew to become a couple with you, Mirja-san.
Mirja: What we decided had nothing to do with that.
Mirja: However, considering the results of the lottery, it's decided my partner will be Yamashiro Yui... In which case, our odds of victory seem hopeless.
Yui: That's not true at all! Since I already won the chance to couple up with Mirja-san, I'm going to win the whole thing for sure!
Yui: And to make that happen, I think we should give up our New Year's break and have one-on-one special training!
Mirja: One-on-one... I'm not sure I like the sound of that, but if we want to achieve overall victory, training will be essential...
Mirja: Very well. The two of us will train together thoroughly.
Yui: Hooray-! I'm spending New Year's alone together with Mirja-san! I'm the luckiest girl alive~!

4: New Year's False Start#

--New Year's Eve.

Kanami: Hiyori-chan, they said they got all the karuta cards back! Now they can hold the competition just fine.
Hiyori: They did? Well, besides us, there was the elite guard and everyone from the investigation team helping too.
Hiyori: If they confirmed they're holding it again, shouldn't we get right to training for it?
Kanami: Wow! You're super excited for this, aren't you, Hiyori-chan!
Hiyori: I-I'm not just doing this for the chocolate mint either, okay? I just... I relied on you so much this year, so I thought I'd help you out over New Year's...
Kanami: And I'm glad to hear it! So first off, let's have a strategy meeting!
Kanami: Hiyori-chaaan, it's all set! Let's get right to it.
Hiyori: Wait, hang on. Why did we come out here to the cafeteria? And why is all this osechi laid out?
Kanami: Before Mai-chan went home, she made all this for us. And you know what they say, "You can't fight on an empty stomach!"
Hiyori: You aren't wrong, but, normally you eat osechi after the new year begins...
Kanami: Chew chew chew... Ahh, these simmered black soybeans are so good~! And these candied chestnuts with sweet potatoes too.
Hiyori: Mmg, you're just going to eat all this good looking food right before my eyes... Nnng...
Kanami: She went through all the effort of making it, so you should just eat it too, Hiyori-chan. Here, she simmered this how you like it and really brought the flavor out.
Hiyori: The flavor? I'll have to be the judge of that. Just one bite... Chew chew.
Hiyori: It's good! But it was made by Mai after all. Chew chew... Mm. This seaweed roll and fish paste omelette have an impressive flavor to them too.
Kanami: It's not so much New Year's related, but she made us some pudding for dessert too. Nn~, it's the best!
Hiyori: Ahh, it's so good! Still, if we eat too much here, then our New Year's soba...
Hiyori: Ah! No good... Kanami, check the time.
Kanami: Whoa, it's already 11pm! We got so caught up eating that we didn't make any progress on our strategy meeting, and now there's only an hour left in the year.
Hiyori: We were supposed to come up with a surefire plan before the end of the year, so we can start training as soon as the new year starts...
Kanami: I know! I've got a good idea. We can just pray for it. Let's do our first shrine visit at the shrine near here!
Hiyori: Our strategy for a surefire victory is prayer... Are you serious about this!?
Kanami: But isn't it your first shrine visit when that kind of thing is most effective?
Hiyori: Now that you mention it... Alright, we should leave now to help us walk off everything we just ate.
Kanami: Good thing there weren't that many people at the shrine~.
Hiyori: Right. Thanks to that, I was able to take my time praying for certain victory.
Kanami: Since both of us prayed a lot too, that means we'll win for sure!
Hiyori: Oh, the sound of that bell must mean...
Kanami: Dang. We were so focused on praying for victory that we must have shown up before the new year actually started!
Hiyori: In that case, the blessings we tried so hard to get might not have counted. Kanami, we should go back to the shrine again, just to be sure!
Kanami: Really, again? Is that our first shrine visit now?
Hiyori: Only your first visit after the new year begins counts. We have to head back right away!
Kanami: Okay! Since we went there twice, we might get double the blessings too!

5: Waiting on the Countdown#

Maki: Now that we've safely recovered all the karuta cards from aradama, our duties this year are fully complete.
Yume: Maki-onee-san, they're doing the countdown in one more hour! I'm a little tired, but we have to get the soba ready.
Yukari: Would you two like to join me? With this New Year's soba.
Yume: Thanks, Yukari-sama! I'm starving~.
Yume: Chew, chew... It's good~!
Maki: Stop that, Yume! The new year hasn't begun yet.
Yukari: What's the harm in it? You should eat yours as well, before it gets cold.
Maki: If you say so, Yukari-sama, then I'll gladly eat.
Yume: Phwaa, now that my belly's full I'm feeling even sleepier.
Maki: You'd normally be long asleep by now, Yume. If you're that tired, there's no reason for you to stay up.
Yume: No way~. It's New Year's Eve and everything. I wanna do the countdown with Yukari-sama and Maki-onee-san!
Maki: But if you stay up that late you'll feel exhausted tomorrow. Go on, get changed and go to your room.
Yume: Boo~, at least let me stay up for New Year's! I can, right, Yukari-sama?
Yukari: It only comes once a year. So long as you promise it won't affect your duties, you can do as you please.
Yume: Alright~! Yukari-sama, Maki-onee-san, if I fall asleep before the countdown, be sure to wake me up, okay?
Maki: Right, don't worry... Hm? Yume?
Yume: (dozing off)...
Maki: She's already falling asleep...
Maki: Yume, wake up! You told us to keep you awake.
Yume: Wah-, Maki-onee-san. Thanks for getting me up.
Yume: I should find something to do to stay awake.
Maki: In that case, the best thing would be exercise. Since the karuta competition is coming up, let's practice!
Maki: There, the practice cards are all lined up. Yume, try taking one.
Yume: Mm, okay!
Yume: Eeeyh!
Yume: Look, look, Maki-onee-san! Did I get it right?
Maki: Haha, if that's all you've got, you might as well give up on being champion. Here, I'll show you my method, so do your best to follow it. Like this.
Yume: G-Geh...
Yukari: Last time, when Shidou and Konohana won the championship match, it wasn't nearly so intense.
Maki: There, Yume. Now you try.
Yume: Pant, pant... After Maki-onee-san's training, I feel wide awake now.
Yume: Ah, and the countdown's about to start!
Yume: Yukari-sama, Maki-onee-san, we have to get ready... Nn? Maki-onee-san?
Maki: Zzzzz...
Yume: Hey, Maki-onee-san! What're you sleeping for!? Get up-!
Maki: Zzzzz...
Yume: Geez, you shouldn't have gotten all worked up during practice. Wake up already, Maki-onee-san!
Yukari: Yume, give her this chance to rest.
Yume: Fine, then I won't wake Maki-onee-san up~...
Yume: I'll just have to do all my New Year's celebrating with you, Yukari-sama!
Yume: Yukari-sama! Here I comeee~!
Yukari: Fu, you still have a ways to go, Yume. You'll have to work hard this year.
Yume: Grrr... This year for sure, I'll become the strongest toji and beat you, Yukari-sama!
Yume: And that means we have to win that karuta competition for sure. Right, Maki-onee-san?
Maki: Zzzzz...

6: Waiting on the First Sunrise#

Yui: At last, it's just me and you, Mirja-san! Let me rephrase that! At last, we can be a couple together, Mirja-san!
Mirja: I'm not sure I approve of that rephrasing, but I suppose we should greet each other first. Happy New Year.
Mirja: As members of the same investigation team, and keeping a suitable distance from each other without crossing that line, I'll be in your care again this year.
Yui: Ahaha, I'll be in your care too! So then, why did you call me out here first thing at the start of the year, to this wonderfully tucked away room for?
Yui: Let me guess, you invited me to lay out the futon so we can share our first dream of the new year together?
Yui: I came here expecting that, so my heart and body have already been completely prepared! Now, where's that futon we need? In the closet~?
Mirja: I thought you might be like this, so I had all the bedding stored in the closet removed.
Mirja: It seems we've begun the new year with a great misunderstanding, but I didn't call you here for any such reason.
Yui: Then, I know! You wanted to start the year by confessing your love!
Mirja: For the sake of preserving my stamina, I won't respond to you any longer. The reason we switched to this room is out of consideration for our exercise and voices bothering other students in the dorm.
Mirja: Starting now, I will be giving you special training in karuta. You yourself proposed this sort of one-on-one guidance, so even if you complain, I will go hard on you.
Yui: W-W-Wow, hardcore one-on-one! Just the sound of that is giving me goosebumps!
Yui: I'm feeling inspired, getting so deeply involved right at the start of the year! Rough me up and wear me down, do whatever you want with me~.
Mirja: ...I see. In that case...
Mirja: Too quiet! Lower your posture further and use your whole body to take it!
Mirja: Still not enough! Never create a blind spot! Use both arms to blend in feints!
Yui: Pant, pant... I can keep on going, Mirja-san!
Mirja: (How surprising. With it being so late into the night, and after all the uproar of New Year's, I expected her to have quickly given into exhaustion.)
Yui: Give me, the next one. Pant, pant...
Mirja: (To think Yamashiro Yui would manage to control her sexual harassment, and enthusiastically focus on this training.)
Mirja: With the coming of a new year, you've turned over a new leaf. That's a good attitude, Yamashiro Yui.
Yui: Pant, pant... Keep it coming... Huh? Mirja-san, look at that! The sun's already up.
Mirja: I was so engrossed in your training that I hardly noticed the time...
Yui: But we were able to greet the dawn together. What a romantic first sunrise date. We're no longer strangers to each other.
Yui: I worked my hardest staying up so I could share this moment with you, Mirja-san! Please give me some praise!
Mirja: Sigh, why must you always be like this... You mean to say you weren't doing it for our victory?
Yui: Of course there's that too. And when we win together, please go on a trip with me to Guam!
Mirja: I'll consider it.
Yui: Yesss-!
Mirja: I only said I would consider it. In any case, your training isn't done.

7: The New Year's Karuta Competition Opens!#

--On the day of the karuta competition.

Referee: The winner of this semi-final match is the Etou Kanami, Juujou Hiyori pair!
Kanami: Alright! We did it, Hiyori-chan! We're going on to the finals-!
Hiyori: I know. Finally, we'll get to play using those famous karuta cards.
Mirja: Etou Kanami, Juujou Hiyori, congratulations. We may have been eliminated here, but it was a great honor having such a fine match against you.
Yui: Me and Mirja-san are gonna work hard in the deciding match for 3rd, so you'd better not lose in the finals either, Kanami-chan, Hiyori-chan!
Kanami: Thanks! Let's all do our best till the end.
Local Intercom: Regarding the Kitora, Yamashiro pair that is set to play in the 3rd rank deciding match, after some consultation between the referee and committee of organizers, we have decided to invalidate all their victories up until this point.
Yui: Ehh-!? What's that for!?
Mirja: What's the meaning of this? Referee, I demand a reasonable explanation.
Referee: Actually... We've received complaints from every student who you've played against so far.
Mirja: Complaints? I can't imagine what about. Would you tell us the nature of their complaints?
Referee: While competing for a card, when Yamashiro-san's hand would meet the hand of a member from the opposing team, she would playfully stroke their hand while grinning at them. Those filing complaints said it made them too afraid to focus on the match...
Mirja: I saw nothing like that! But while concentrating on the match, I didn't think to look out for it either. Yamashiro Yui, are they telling the truth?
Yui: I'm not really sure... I mean, when you put a cute girl in front of me, I can't really remember what happens next. Ahaha.
Mirja: Referee, if you can't provide hard evidence of these accusations, I won't accept your decision to disqualify us.
Referee: I thought you might feel that way, so I've prepared video evidence of your matches. I'll play them back now, so watch carefully.
Yui: TEEEEEEIII! Woww~, such pretty fingers! So pale and glossy... (Rub rub)... Nnn~ They feel so nice!
Yui: Ahaha, I actually did it! I don't remember it, so it must have happened subconsciously, but it looks like I really did it, huh~.
Mirja: I'm deeply sorry about this. I would like to apologize later to all the people who were caused trouble. Of course, I'll do it myself...
Mirja: Etou Kanami, Juujou Hiyori, please accept my apology for everything our pervert has done.
Hiyori: Wait, hang on. She never touched us. Right, Kanami?
Kanami: I think. But I was so focused on the match that I might not have noticed...
Yui: That's wrong~ I clearly remember our match. Both of you were moving so fast that I never got a chance to touch you. It was really frustrating, so please have another match against me later!
Mirja: You seem to be showing no shame for your actions... Yamashiro Yui, to prevent you from making this situation any worse, I'm pulling you out of here at once.
Yui: Ehhh~! Please hang on~, Mirja-saaan!
Hiyori: They left...
Kanami: Oh, Hiyori-chan, they're bringing out the cards for the final match! Who're we up against in the finals again?
Yume: Ehh~, it's the finals already? Everyone's so weak~.
Maki: No, our opponents were all veteran players, but you've managed to become so much stronger in such a short time, Yume. Be sure not to let your guard down in the finals.
Yume: Okayyy~. Whoa, our opponents are those onee-sans?
Kanami: Tsubakuro-san and Shidou-san! If we win this match, it really feels like we'll be the strongest toji! Let's give it our best shot, Hiyori-chan.
Hiyori: Of course. We came this far, so of course we'll win.

8: The Championship Goes to...?#

Maki: TAAAAAH!!!
Hiyori: Like I'll let you! TORYAAAAAAA---!!!
Mirja: Such incredible speed. Both parties are moving so fast I can no longer see their fingers.
Kanami: SERYAAAAA!!!!
Yume: TEEEEI!!!
Mirja: It's been an equal competition so far, and they're already at the final card...
Kanami: Hiyori-chan, if we take that, we're the winners!
Hiyori: I know. I'm not about to lose here...
Maki: DEEEEEI!!!
Hiyori: Kh, I started slow... But I won't lose...
Hiyori: Ah... I got it! I got it, Kanami!
Yui: Whoa, they were moving so fast I missed everything, but it looks like Hiyori got it.
Maki: Referee, I have an objection to make. Just now, Juujou Hiyori used third stage jin'i to take the final card. Is that a violation of the rules?
Hiyori: Ah... I can't believe myself. I wore Kogarasumaru to keep myself calm, but I must have unconsciously activated third stage jin'i...
Mirja: She could have desired so strongly to move quickly that her okatana responded and entered third stage jin'i for her...
Hiyori: Even if it wasn't intentional, I broke the rules by using my okatana's power. I'm sorry, Kanami. I made us lose.
Maki: Hang on. No matter what the reasoning, in a contest, we should obey the call of the referee. Referee, was there a rule violated in this case?
Referee: After some deliberation, in regards to the use of third stage jin'i... There is no regulation against it in this competition, so it will be recognized as a valid tactic. Therefore, the pair of Juujou Hiyori and Etou Kanami are the victors!
Yume: Ehh, no fair, nobody told me we could use our okatana.
Maki: Wait, Yume. It was our mistake not carefully examining the rules of this competition. In order to win, we should have prepared our tactics better.
Maki: This year we'll need to knuckle down and focus on our duties. It was nice to have learned that lesson at the start of the year. Congratulations on your victory, you two. This is your win.
Kanami: E-Ehh, but... Is it really okay if we win like that?
Yukari: It's as Shidou told you. To make full use of your capabilities on the battlefield, you must work out a thorough strategy. That's the natural order in the world of competition.
Hiyori: But I didn't plan on doing that...
Kanami: So wait, that means, we're the winners... That means we'll be the strongest toji!?
Yukari: There's a fair amount of evidence behind that old legend. It would be good of you to continue disciplining yourselves with that intent in mind.
Yukari: Now then, to the two of you champions, I will grant you a special prize on behalf of the Origami family.
Kanami: A prize!?
Hiyori: Wait, we don't need anything like that. The legend was enough for us.
Yukari: You shouldn't act so reserved. Go ahead and open this box.
Kanami: Wow-, it's full of gorgeous furisode! [Furisode are formal long-sleeved kimono]
Mirja: These are...! Each of them is exceptionally valuable one-of-a-kind quality.
Hiyori: We can't take something that special...
Yukari: I told you not to act reserved. You may take as many as you like. There's no reason for you to complain, is there?
Kanami: Yukari-sama... Ah, if that's what you're offering, then! This one, and this one, that one, this one, and can I take that one too?
Yui: I didn't think you were such a crafty girl, Kanami-chan~. I found a new side of you!
Kanami: That's not it. Here, This one is for you, Yui-chan, and this one's for Kitora-san.
Kanami: And then, here you go, Shidou-san and Tsubakuro-san.
Maki: For us as well? Why would you go that far?
Kanami: Well, forgetting about who won, we still had some great matches, didn't we? So I want to share the joy of it with all of you.
Kanami: Ah, oh yeah! Since we all have furisode now, why don't we all put them on and go do our first shrine visit together?
Hiyori: Though for us it's our second... No, third visit... Still, that's not a bad idea.
Yume: It'll be fun! Maki-onee-san, let's go!
Yui: Uhyaa-! Those girls' hands were one thing, but now I get to feast my eyes on everyone in furisode too!? This year's shaping up to be my happiest one yet!
Mirja: Leaving aside this pervert for a moment, having my first shrine visit in traditional Japanese dress is a tempting offer.
Maki: Looks like this year is already starting busy. Though it's not a bad thing.