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Out of Season Cherry Blossom Front

Out of Season Cherry Blossom Front: Prologue#

Kanami: Hey, did all of you see? The flower buds on the cherry blossom trees behind the school are getting bigger!
Hiyori: I know. I saw it myself earlier. The weather report said the temperature should go up this weekend, and then they'll bloom.
Mai: We should go see them together after they start blooming.
Sayaka: Okay. If Mai is going, I will too...
Chie: In that case, why don't we all organize a flower viewing party? I've been talking with Mihono-chan and the others about it.
Kanami: All of us going flower viewing!? That sounds like fun~!
Hiyori: That's true... Going with a large group of people could be nice too.
Chie: I'm glad to hear it. We'd have a hard time getting bentos ready for everyone, so we talked about buying what we liked from a nearby deli. If there's anything you want to eat, just tell me, okay?
Mai: Um, if it's alright, would you mind if I made everyone bento boxes? I'll come up with a menu to excite everyone when we're all seeing the flowers together.
Hiyori: If we're making a flower viewing bento, we'll have to include nimono. I want to be in charge of helping make the food as well.
Chie: Oh my, that would be such a great help, you two!
Sayaka: Mai's homemade bento... I can't wait. I'll do my best to prepare too...
Kanami: Yeah. Let's work hard on the preparations together, Sayaka-chan! Aside from the bento boxes, what do we need to get ready...
Chie: Well, we could use people in charge of reserving a good location, and people in charge of finding ways to liven up the party.
Sayaka: I understand. I'll do my best... To find a good location...
Kanami: And I'll help!
Chie: Then, I'll think something up with Ellen-san, Kiyoka-chan, and the others to liven up the event, and lend a hand to the girls making bento boxes on the side.

On the day of the flower viewing--

Chie: How are things going, you two? Is there anything I could help you with?
Mai: All that's left is to fill the boxes, so we should be fine.
Hiyori: I tried cutting the carrots in the nimono into shapes to match the cherry blossoms. Want to try some?
Sayaka: ...Mai.
Mai: Sayaka-chan, you came at just the right time! We were just finishing up with the bento boxes.
Mai: Would you like to have a little taste test?
Sayaka: I can't eat the bento.
Mai: Eh!? Wh-What do you mean, Sayaka-chan!? But, you were looking forward to it so much, weren't you...?
Mai: Did you get a stomachache!?
Chie: Calm down, Yanase-san. Itomi-san, do you think you could tell me why you can't eat the bento?
Sayaka: There's no cherry blossoms.
Chie/Mai: Eh?
Hiyori: Well, there sure aren't any flowers. Weren't they supposed to be in full bloom today?
Chie: Itomi-san, I don't see Mihono-chan and the others anywhere. Did they go to look for another location?
Sayaka: Mm. They said they wanted to eat the bento boxes where we could see the cherry blossoms.
Mai: I want to eat under the cherry blossoms with everyone too!
Chie: It would spoil the mood if there weren't any flowers, wouldn't it. Maybe we should also...
Aradama: KEEEEEE!
Hiyori: An aradama!? SEYAAAAH!!
Hiyori: That's it taken care of.
Sayaka: Hm...? Look... The branch of that tree...
Chie: I don't believe it; the buds of the flowers are opening!
Mai: But why!?
Tsugumi: I see you're all here too.
Tsugumi: It appears that, when an aradama is suppressed, a grouping of cherry blossoms comes into bloom.
Tsugumi: I'm not sure of the reason behind it, but it is a highly fascinating phenomenon.
Sayaka: Tsugumi, that means...
Sayaka: Our spring was stolen, by aradama?
Tsugumi: Ooh... Spring was stolen...?
Mai: Ah! Sayaka-chan, that sounded so poetic! What a lovely expression!
Sayaka: Is it wrong?
Tsugumi: No... There's nothing wrong with that interpretation of it. The aradama went and stole our spring!!
Sayaka: ...Then, for every aradama we defeat, it will bring back that many flowers?
Tsugumi: That seems to be the case.
Tsugumi: But, well, to make the flowers bloom across this entire area could take some back-breaking work.
Mai: ...Still, let's do it.
Mai: Let's defeat the aradama, Chie-san! Until all the flowers here are in bloom!
Chie: Of course! I'll do what I can, so we can all have our flower viewing party!
Hiyori: Good, then let's defeat as many aradama as possible, and bring back our spring!

Out of Season Cherry Blossom Front: Epilogue#

Sayaka: Oh, Mai and everyone came...
Kanami: Hiyori-chan, Mai-chan, over here, over here~!
Mihono: Hurry up, Chii-nee~!
Hiyori: It's beautiful... Everything is in full bloom.
Mai: Thank you for finding us such a fantastic place, Sayaka-chan, Kanami-chan.
Kanami: The other people who came to see the flowers offered us the best spot, to thank us for exorcising the aradama.
Chie: Did they really? It was worth going to so much trouble then.
Mihono: Ah~, all that hard work suppressing aradama made me hungry~. Let's dig right into Mai and Juujou-san's special made flower viewing bento!
Mirja: Asakura Mihono, we cannot get ahead of ourselves. The proper procedure of a flower viewing party is to first admire the cherry blossoms, then share a toast. After that, we admire the cherry blossoms again, then it will be time to eat.
Kofuki: Then let's hurry this up and get to the toast already. My throats dried out from all that playing around with aradama-chan.
Tsugumi: I thought this might happen, so I planned ahead and prepared a special flower viewing version of a drink to stimulate recovery after combat.
Kiyoka: A-And did you make that drink yourself, Tsugumi-san...?
Tsugumi: Yes. Using amazake as a base, I supplemented it with various spices and ingredients to prepare for an outdoor party during this chilly time of year.
Chie: I think I won't be needing a drink after all.
Mihono: Y-Yeah, me too...
Tsugumi: Are you sure? I even adjusted the color so it would match the cherry blossoms...
Sayaka: It looks pretty... Tsugumi, I think... I'll drink some...
Hiyori: I'll try it too. I wouldn't want the work you put into getting it ready for our flower viewing party to go to waste.
Ellen: It is a party, after all. Hm...? Tsugumin, where did the bottle of your drink go?
Kaoru: Oi, Yui, that bottle you're chugging down...
Yui: Glug, glug, glug... Phwaah~! I can't tell if that tasted good or bad, but give me another one!
Sayaka: Yui... Did you drink the whole bottle?
Hiyori: She said it's supposed to help with recovery, but would it really be safe drinking that much?
Yui: When I started drinking it down, I just couldn't stop myself. Actually, what's with this stuff!? My body's burning up all of a sudden!
Tsugumi: I see, if you drink that much at once, the body rapidly begins to warm itself... I've gained some unexpectedly useful data from this.
Yui: Ahh~, everything's warm and fuzzy, like it's the middle of summer! I just want to leave my uniform behind, throw on a swimsuit, and hop in the sea-!
Yui: Ah... What if, if everyone drinks this, then you'll all start heating up, and we can have our flower viewing party in swimsuits!?
Mirja: What a corrupt line of thinking...
Yui: I found another bottle! Here, Sayaka-chan, Hiyori-chan, take a good long gulp of this! Come on, open wide!
Kiyoka: Yui-chan, you're like an old man coming up to bother young girls in the park...
Yui: C'mon, c'mon! Have a drink~! Have a drink~!
Sayaka: Yui... You're scaring me... I... Don't want any...
Hiyori: Yeah, I'm saying no too.
Yui: Ehh~, that's so boring~. Then, I'm gonna walk around over there and see if there's any pretty ladies I can offer a drink!
Yui: Hey! Hey you, miss! Want to enjoy a hot time under the cherry blossoms with me!
Chie: It seems Yui-chan has skipped right over spring and gone into summer... But the rest of us can start our flower viewing party now.
Hiyori: Right. It feels good to have spring back to normal. So, is everyone ready to do our toast?
Hiyori: Since you organized all this, you should lead the toast, Chie.
Chie: Alright then.
Chie: ...No, actually, why don't we let Itomi-san lead us?
Sayaka: I'm doing it?
Chie: You worked very hard, didn't you? That's why, I'd like to ask you to do it.
Sayaka: I understand, I'll do my best... Should I start?
Mai: Sure, we're all ready.
Sayaka: ...I'm glad we could all see the flowers. Cheers.
Everyone: Cheers!!