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A Certain Superpowered Parallel World

Creation Experiment (Trial)#

Shirai Kuroko: That reminds me, Onee-sama. I've heard you'll soon be helping with an experiment to create a new type of metal. Is that true?
Misaka Mikoto: Ah, yeah. I'm surprised you knew.
Kuroko: I didn't think you interested in those experiments normally.
Mikoto: Well, it's fine every once in a while.
Mikoto: (There's no way I can tell her I got roped in because this company makes collab novelty Gekota merchandise that they don't sell anywhere...)
Konori Mii: What will they be having you do, Misaka-san?
Mikoto: They need a fixed electric current... They asked me to provide an electromagnetic wave. An especially strong one.
Saten Ruiko: That sounds like it could be kinda interesting. Can we go along to see?
Mikoto: Sure, I think that'll be fine?
Uiharu Kazari: Saten-san, didn't you say you'd be busy gathering gossip about that urban legend that there's a door to another world hidden in some school district?
Ruiko: It's fine, it's fine. Urban legends aren't going anywhere!

Visitors (Gallery)#

Mikoto: HAAAA...!
Ruiko: That's as incredible of an electric shock as ever, Misaka-san.
Kazari: I wonder what the theory is behind creating a new type of metal using electricity, anyway?
Ruiko: Beats me? I'm not all that interested in that stuff.
Kazari: Then... Why did you go and say we should come along?
Ruiko: Doesn't it sound kinda crazy that they're making a new type of metal? That's why, if we're doing it, I want to be there, you know?
Mii: It's good to have lots of interests. There's nothing wrong with those kind of motivations.
Mikoto: It really is easier getting into the experiment having you all here, as opposed to being surrounded by people I don't know.
Mikoto: So, I'm glad you came.
Kuroko: My very existence... Thinking of that as the source of Onee-sama's strength isn't so bad.
Mikoto: Kuroko... Couldn't you have phrased that better?
Kuroko: I have only stated the truth.
Shokuhou Misaki: Honestly... Thanks to you, Misaka-san, the static electricity is making my hair act funny. What a bother.
Mikoto: Shokuhou Misaki...! What are you doing here!?
Misaki: Hmm-, just to see the sights?
Mikoto: Whatever... If you're going to complain, then just go. I have to do the main experiment in a minute.
Mii: Are you two, "friendly enough to fight"?
Both: It's not like that at all!

1: Our First Aradama Experience#

Mikoto: Ughh... My eyes are stinging. Is everyone okay?
Kazari: Yes... I'm just fine. Are you alright, Saten-san?
Ruiko: Somehow-.
Misaki: Hang onn, thanks to Misaka-san, my eyes are still burning here?
Misaki: Depending on if this clears up, I might have to file a complaint~.
Mikoto: How is this my fault? All I did was go along with their experiment to create a new kind of metal.
Mikoto: Saten-san and Uiharu-san are okay too, so you should be fine...
Mikoto: Actually, where are Kuroko and Konori-senpai at?
Kuroko: The Kuroko you seek is right here, Onee-sama! And, just as you want me, I can be locked in your arms once more!
Mikoto: As if!!
Mii: Shirai-san. Isn't there something we should tell them first?
Kuroko: I suppose...
Mikoto: Did something bad happen?
Kuroko: Your vision still hasn't returned to normal, so you may not have noticed, but... This isn't where the experiment was taking place.
Ruiko: Eh... Then, where are we? Uiharu, can you look it up?
Kazari: Just... give me a minute. Huh, I can't get it to turn on!?
Mikoto: Let's just ask someone around here then.
Mikoto: Excuse me--
Mikoto: Eh... Wait...
Misaki: Maybe it would have been for the best if someone besides Misaka-san had asked them?
Mikoto: ...I didn't even do anything!
Mii: More importantly, "aradama"? I'm curious what that means.
Ruiko: Umm... This is totally just going off my intuition here, but! Maybe they meant that!?
Mikoto: Geez... And what's this, this weird thing! Let's go, Kuroko. Help me out.
Kuroko: Of course, I'll be right with you, Onee-sama.
Misaki: Do your bestt. It's times like these we need that barbaric power of yours, Misaka-sann.
Mai: --What do you think about that? I think it would improve the circumstances of toji waiting for aradama to appear.
Maki: I see. You make a good point, Yanase.
Mirja: Sorry to interrupt your meeting.
Maki: Kitora? Did you need something?
Mirja: This information is still unverified, but we've received a report that a group of citizens are fighting with aradama.
Mai: Eh!?
Mirja: As time was of the essence, Etou Kanami, Mashiko Kaoru, Setouchi Chie, Shichinosato Kofuki, and Iwakura Sanae have been sent to the scene.
Maki: Ordinary citizens, fighting aradama; I can hardly believe it. ...Is there something strange going on? Just to be sure, we should go too.
Kanami: Still, why would they fight and not run away?
Kofuki: Seriously; those're my aradama-chan.
Kaoru: It's probably just some idiots wanting to test their courage. It happens every now and then.
Sanae: Whatever it is, we have to get there soon!
Chie: I can hear an aradama roaring. It's just up ahead!
Kanami: Whoa, why's the air all crackly!?
Aradama: GUGIII...!
Kuroko: Onee-sama-! It's getting up once again!
Mikoto: Seriously... Just how stubborn can they be! I'm going to hit it one more time!
Sanae: That's dangerous; please get back!
Mikoto: Huh?
Kanami: We'll take care of the rest here!
Kofuki: Out of my way! Those're all mine--!
Kuroko: Er... Who might you be? You aren't from Judgement, are you?
Kaoru: Judgement? We're toji.
Mikoto: "Toji"? What's that?
Chie: (...They don't know what toji are?)
Chie: Putting it simply, we're something like experts at suppressing those aradama you're fighting.
Ruiko: Sorry, we found a lost girl and took her with us, but what should we do about her?
Mii: Also, we weren't able to access the database to check evacuation guidelines, and we were in trouble since we couldn't call for help.
Chie: I understand. I'll call someone to help then.
Kaoru: Well, until help shows up, I'll guide her to somewhere safe the aradama can't get to.
Chie: Thank you, Kaoru-san. The rest of you should all hurry to safety as well!
Kazari: Why is it that they all have swords... They don't seem like some special tool for an ability enhancement test, do they?
Kuroko: Though, it looks as if they're telling the truth when they say they're specialists.
Aradama: GYAAAAAAAA...!
Kofuki: Hey, hey, what's wrong? You're not gonna satisfy me like that!
Sanae: Etou-san, I'll drive them over your way!
Kanami: Sure, I'm ready whenever!
Kanami: HAAA--!
Maki: Etou, Mashiko, Iwakura, Shichinosato, Setouchi. Good work on making it here quickly and suppressing them. And then... You girls.
Yume: They're kinda weird, aren't they? They don't know about toji or aradama.
Ruiko: That was so cool, the way you were like, whoosh, with your swords! Girls with Japanese swords just have that appeal to them, don't they-.
Kazari: Saten-san, before you go off like that, we should make sure of what those aradama things were first.
Mai: Well, thinking over it, aradama are a sort of false organism created from a fusion of noro, I guess?
Mai: Without using the okatana we toji fight with, you won't be able to exorcise them. No matter what you attack them with.
Mikoto: So that's why they kept coming back every time I hit them with electric shocks.
Kuroko: Still, for Onee-sama, the electromaster, boasted as third rank in Academy City, to be unable to defeat them...
Mikoto: There are still some people my esper powers don't work on... Very very few of them though.
Kanami: Esper powers? You mean like, you can use telepathy or control fire, like you see in movies or manga?
Mikoto: What are you talking about? It's common knowledge that Academy City is working to develop esper powers.
Mirja: Academy City... Development of esper powers. I find this hard to believe all of a sudden.
Mii: Toji, and aradama... It seems there are many things we're both unfamiliar with. Perhaps we should start by confirming some things with each other.
Ruiko: Ah, before that, shouldn't we do the easy thing and all introduce ourselves? If we don't, it'll get confusing while we're talking.
Ruiko: I'm Saten Ruiko, a first year in Sakugawa Middle School! Nice to meet you! Okay, now Misaka-san!
Mikoto: I'm Misaka Mikoto. A second year in Tokiwadai Middle School. Nice to meet you.
Misaki: Likewise, second year at Tokiwadai Middle School, Shokuhou Misaki. Misaka-san and I are verrry close~. Good to meet you all~.
Mikoto: Since when... Could you at least do your introduction right?
Misaki: Awww, Misaka-san's so scaryy.
Kanami: So you two come from the same school. I'm Etou Kanami, a second year in the Minoseki Academy's middle school division. Nice to meet you!
Kuruko: Then, I will go next. I am Shirai Kuroko, a first year from Tokiwadai Middle School. And a member of one of Academy City's organizations for maintaining public order, Judgement.
Kuroko: Ah-! I can't believe myself; I nearly forgot to mention something important.
Kuroko: I also happen to be Misaka Mikoto-onee-sama's roommate at Tokiwadai's dorms. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Kazari: ...Leave it to Shirai-san to go out of her way to let people know that.
Kazari: Ah. My name is Uiharu Kazari. I'm a member of Judgment, the same as Shirai-san, and also, a classmate of Saten-san's.
Mii: Then, it looks like I'm the last one on our side. I'm Konori Mii. Good to meet you.
Mii: Like Shirai-san and Uiharu-san, I work for Judgement.
Mii: Oh, and, come to think of it, I'm the only one in high school among us.
Kazari: She's our dependable senpai.
Mii: Thank you, Uiharu-san.
Mirja: Then, we should finish our introductions as well. I'm Kitora Mirja, second year in the high school division of Ayanokouji Martial Arts School.

2: Tamahagane?#

Mikoto: With my power, it's like this.
Yume: That's so cool, Onee-san! It's all sparky and crackly!
Kaoru: They really do have esper powers.
Kuroko: Still, now things are finally clear. This may sound unbelievable, but... We've all arrived in a world without Academy City or esper abilities.
Mii: I'm sorry to ask for this, but is there any way you could provide for us a place to live for the time being?
Maki: Of course. I'm sure you don't have anyone else to rely on, so we'll arrange a place for you to stay at the nearby Renpu dorms. You don't have to worry.
Mikoto: Thanks a lot. That really helps.
Chie: Anyway, Shidou-san. Everyone must be tired, so let's move over there.
Mirja: Now then, could you explain what it was you were all doing just before you came here?
Mikoto: Just before we ended up in this world, I was actually helping with an experiment to create a new kind of metal.
Mikoto: And then, after I made electric current, in just 10 seconds, we were blanketed in this white light...
Kuroko: The next thing we knew, we had been transported to this world.
Kaoru: I guess what sounds reasonable is, this metal you were trying to make might've been the cause?
Kaoru: What kind of metal was it?
Mikoto: Sorry, I don't know the details myself...
Mikoto: (And that's cause, after they said they'd give me corporate novelty Gekota merchandise... I got too excited and wasn't listening.)
Misaki: If only Misaka-san would pay more attention to that sort of thingg.
Misaki: That side of you can be so childish; it's a real botherr.
Mikoto: Wha!? Listen, you... I do feel a little responsible for this, but... Why'd you even have to come along in the first place!
Misaki: Purely by chance. I just happened to have something to take care of at that research institute too.
Mirja: Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki. We are getting off topic. Is there anything else you can remember?
Mikoto: Ah, come to think of it, the metal we were creating, I think they gave it the temporary name "Tamahagane"...
Chie: Eh, tamahagane?
Mikoto: ...Wait, huh? Is there something about tamahagane?
Chie: It might be a simple coincidence, but our okatana are made from a special iron sand known as tamahagane.
Chie: It's a word we're a little used to hearing, so I couldn't help but react.
Kazari: That sure is an interesting coincidence though.
Maki: Mind if I butt in for a moment? Looking over the report from the noro recovery team just now, there's a detail I'd better tell you about.
Maki: From the sound of things, they found an unidentified metal mixed in with the samples of noro, though only in small quantities.
Mikoto: Then... Does that mean what I think it does?
Maki: It's not at the point we can speculate yet, but it is concerning.
Mai: In that case, why don't we have Ellen-san ask Friedman-san and the Special Rare Metals Utilization Research Institute to look into it?
Mai: This metal mixed in with the noro might be just what Misaka-san is talking about, after all.
Kaoru: It's best to leave what you don't get to the professionals.
Misaki: What's the harm in asking? If they send it back to us, we can't do very much investigation ourselves, can we?
Mikoto: That's right; we'll follow any clues we can get. You're all okay with that, aren't you?
Mii: I think that's the best option we have available now.
Mai: Then, I'll get in touch with her right away.
Maki: I'll get the procedures taken care of then, so the noro can be transported smoothly.
Sanae: In the meantime, everyone, would you like to have dinner? With all that's happened, I figure you must be hungry.
Ruiko: Ah-, that'd be great. I was starving, actually.

3: Toji are Highly Busy#

Several days had passed since Mikoto and the others came to this world.
They offered to help gather from the aradama the tamahagane metal that their experiment had created.

Aradama: GGGIIIII...!!
Mikoto: Don't go running wild in the middle of town!
Aradama: Gu... Gguu...
Mai: The aradama's movements have slowed. Let's finish it off, Iwakura-san!
Sanae: Understood! --HAAAAAH!
Aradama: ......
Kuroko: What excellent coordination.
Sanae: Thanks for the help, Misaka-san.
Mikoto: You're welcome, but, I didn't do all that much.
Mai: We're plenty glad just to have you stopping their movments. Right?
Sanae: Exactly. It buys us time to get people to safety, and it makes it harder for the aradama to fight back. You're a huge help.
Mikoto: I'm just glad to be able to help somehow. This much is nothing to pay back what you've done for us, so whenever you're suppressing them, go ahead and give me a call.
Mai: Thank you. Now then, it looks like the noro is finished being recovered too, so why don't we head back to Renpu for now?
Ruiko: Ah, welcome back, Misaka-san, Shirai-san. You too, Yanase-san, Iwakura-san; good work out there.
Ruiko: How'd it go? The usual metal collection.
Mai: If I had to say one way or the other, it's going well. But, it isn't as if we're gathering lots of metal at once, so it could take a while.
Mikoto: I guess we have no choice but to go slow and steady. There's no use rushing it.
Mikoto: Though, the aradama... I'm a little surprised at how often they're appearing.
Kuroko: They show themselves so many times per day. Working as a toji must be challenging.
Chie: I'm sorry to have you two come with us to the fighting even though you aren't toji yourselves.
Mikoto: We're the ones who said we wanted to come along.
Chie: Even so, you shouldn't push yourselves, alright? If anything happens, don't hesitate to tell your onee-san here.
Ruiko: That's some impressive broad-mindedness you've got there... But, you won't beat out Konori-senpai!
Mii: Just what... kind of competition is that?
Mai: By the way, what have you been up to there, Uiharu-san?
Kazari: I asked the toji at Renpu to provide me with their data, and did a little looking into the distribution of appearances of aradama containing the newly created tamahagane metal.
Kazari: Please take a look. It seems like many of the aradama appearing in Kanto match those cases.
Mirja: I see; this is a discovery, isn't it.
Mirja: Hardly any were found outside the range of Kanto. We should be able to collect these metals to a more efficient degree using this.
Kazari: Sure; I thought I might be able to help out some, so I'm glad to hear it.
Misaki: And I see even more appearing now. There really are too many aradama in this world of yours.
Maki: Which toji can be dispatched there fastest...
Yume: I'll go-. If I leave it to Kuroko-onee-san, she can get me there in an instant, right? I wanna try teleporting!
Kuroko: I'd just like to make one thing clear, I am not an amusement park attraction, understand?
Mikoto: Don't be like that and let's get going, Kuroko! You too, Tsubakuro-san!
Kuroko: I suppose there's no helping it. Then, let me see the location information of where they appeared.
Kuroko: Now then, let's go. Are you two prepared?
Mikoto/Yume: Anytime!
Kofuki: Hey, take me with you! ...Or they're already gone, I guess. Don't go stealing my aradama-chan like that.
Chie: No matter how many times I see it, it still surprises me. These esper abilities.

4: What's the Reason for Why They Gather?#

And so, by cooperating with the toji, Mikoto and the others steadily gathered the metals the experiment seemed to have created.

Ruiko: Everyone's out on missions again today, huh.
Ruiko: With the aradama showing up every day, it figures they'd need special schools for raising toji.
Kazari: Academy City deals with some incidents of its own, but in this world, these are more like hard to prevent natural disasters.
Ruiko: Misaka-san and the others must be working hard too-. Hey, the chocolate mint ice cream they have here might also be pretty good!
Misaki: Maybe soo. ...Mm, this is delicious too~.
Kazari: Still, doesn't it feel a little bad sitting in here eating sweets while all the toji are out working?
Misaki: Uiharu-san, you're worrying too much~.
Misaki: At times like these, the best thing to do is leave it all to those used to big flashy fights, like Misaka-san.
Misaki: Besides, if we went to do something we aren't used to, we'd be nothing more than a burden, wouldn't we?
Ruiko: And also, you're already helping out here and there yourself, Uiharu.
Kazari: I'm not doing anything!
Misaki: Neither am I, you knoww?
Kazari: Ah, Konori-senpai came in with Yanase-san and Iwakura-san.
Sanae: There you are. We were thinking of taking a short break. Do you mind if we sit with you?
Misaki: Go right ahead-.
Mii: What were you three talking about?
Kazari: About how, all the toji are still students, but they're so responsible. It has to be tough, going out on missions every day.
Mai: It may be difficult, but this is just daily life here in our Japan.
Sanae: On top of that, exorcising aradama is an important duty for toji.
Mai: When you all came here and saw aradama for the first time, you tried to protect the people, didn't you?
Mai: I think that's far more incredible. Thanks to you, I'm sure there were people who could get to safety unhurt.
Sanae: Yeah. It would be normal for you to run away scared.
Kanami: So you were in here, Mai-chan.
Mai: Good work suppressing the aradama, you two.
Mirja: What are you drinking, by the way, Konori Mii?
Mii: Just milk. It doesn't seem like you have my favorite brand over here, so I took what I found.
Mirja: I see. I happen to like milk myself, but I never paid much attention to the brands I drink. You have distinctive tastes.
Mii: They aren't quite so distinctive as you think.
Mii: Anyway, did you find more of that metal during your work today?
Mirja: Yes. However, it's still proving difficult. We seem to need a specific amount to meet our goal, and what we've found is insufficient.
Kanami: We got less than I thought... I know you must all want to get home as soon as you can too.
Misaki: That's nothing for you to feel bad about, Etou-sann. The only reason we can get them in the first place is thanks to you toji.
Kazari: That's right.
Mirja: This is...
Mirja: Everyone, this is a request for aid from Setouchi Chie, Shichinosato Kofuki, and Mashiko Kaoru's group, who were accompanying Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko today.
Mirja: It seems aradama are gathering there one after another, and the situation is urgent.
Kanami: Let's get over there on the double then!
Mikoto: There seriously is... just no end to them, is there. What's going on?
Kofuki: Business is booming today, huh?
Mikoto: I'm going to shock them into slowing down, so hang o--
Kofuki: Keep it to yourself!
Mikoto: Huh!? What do you mean!?
Kofuki: There's no challenge in playing with aradama-chan after they've been tripped up! You go help Chichie or something.
Kofuki: Come and show me a good time; gimme some fresh aradama-chan!
Kuroko: Honestly, what is her problem? Refusing Onee-sama's assistance like that.
Chie: Sorry about her. She just really loves fighting aradama is all...
Kaoru: I'd be glad for anything you can do to make things easier. Just keep making 'em sit still over here, Mikoto.
Kaoru: And then Chie'll take care of them all.
Chie: You'll be helping too, Kaoru-san.
Mikoto: Then, this'll sting--
Aradama: ......!
Kaoru: These ones are still squirming around.
Mikoto: ...I'll pay them a visit then!
Kaoru: Alright, until Kanami and them get here, I guess I'll work a little.
Kaoru: --KIEEEEEE!
Chie: If you could please keep it coming, just like that. --SEII!
Kuroko: Despite all her talk of skipping out, she does her job well, doesn't she.
Mikoto: ...And now, more showed up? If I just have to keep doing this, then...
Chie: It isn't normally like this though... I wonder why.
Kaoru: Kuroko-. If you think things're looking rough, take Mikoto and get out of here right away-.
Kuroko: I would do that regardless. Onee-sama's safety is my top priority.
Kanami: Oh, good timing! Mai-chan, let's finish them off!
Mai: Sure. I'll be with you! --SEEEI!
Kuroko: Those two harmonize almost as well as Onee-sama and myself. As if they can read each other's minds.
Mikoto: You're not wrong. At least, about the part where they're in sync.
Mirja: They truly are gathering here... Shichinosato Kofuki must be overjoyed at the situation, but where is she?
Kofuki: Agh, why'd you guys come out here. Don't go taking my aradama-chan from me.
Maki: You don't get a say in this. We'll all wipe them out at once. That's the most reliable way.
Maki: Sorry, but it'd help if you lent us your power, Misaka.
Mikoto: Sure, you got it.
Yume: Well, it's not like it's that different for me whether the aradama get stopped or they're still moving-.
Kanami: With Yume-chan here, we've got the strength of a hundred people. Though, I'm not about to get outdone!
Sanae: As you'd guess, after all the aradama we defeated today, we managed to collect a lot of tamahagane.
Sanae: Though, why were those aradama appearing around Setouchi-san and the others, anyway?
Maki: Did anything different from usual happen?
Kaoru: Nah, nothing I can think of. Right?
Mikoto: I can't think of anything either. I just gave my support like I always do.
Ellen: Big news, I have big news!
Mai: Ellen-chan? What's going on?
Ellen: Here's the story: we've found out something about this newly created tamahagane metal!
Ellen: It seems like, if you apply a fixed electromagnetic wave to it, it becomes easy to bond the metals together!
Ellen: Though, we don't know if this is the result of it being created from an applied electric current, or if it had these properties from the beginning.
Mikoto: An electromagnetic wave?
Kaoru: Oi... Don't tell me.
Kaoru: If there's aradama with that metal in them nearby, that won't make them come running, will it?
Ellen: Since we haven't investigated these aradama themselves, I can't say either way. But, I think there's a possibility. Since it was incorporated into the aradama, it must have kind of effect.
Mikoto: Then, the reason they kept gathering together today was because...
Yume: Cause Biribiri-onee-san was calling them all there?
Mikoto: C-Come to think of it... I was firing off electricity harder than usual, because there weren't many people nearby.
Mikoto: ...Is that what caused it!?
Ellen: Hmm hmm, I do think this is a very interesting case.
Mii: So long as we gathered lots as well, it all turned out alright, Misaka-san.
Mikoto: That's true, but... When I think of my own power causing trouble...
Maki: This is just a layman's opinion, but, if Misaka's elecric shocks are gathering the aradama, could we not use that to bring them all to one place?
Ruiko: That's it! I think that's a great idea!
Kaoru: That might make dealing with this easier. If all goes well, we can could finish this up in one shot.
Kanami: If we take out all the aradama gathered there at once, it'll mean Misaka-san and the others can go home sooner.
Mikoto: None of us object to that. Right?
Kazari: I think it's a good plan.
Misaki: It seems like Misaka-san is the cause of lots of problems, so you'll have to work hard enough to make up for it.
Mikoto: You don't have to chime in on every little thing... You're not doing anything either.
Maki: It'd be best to get this taken care of as soon as we can. Tomorrow, we'll start preparing to carry out the operation.
Maki: Kitora, Yanase, Iwakura, and Setouchi, I want you working together on the strategy.
Maki: The rest of you are dismissed. Rest up for tomorrow!

5: Steel, a Flash of Light, and a Twist of Fate#

The following day--

Kanami: Misaka-san, are you nervous?
Mikoto: No, not particularly. Ah, not to make it sound like I haven't been thinking this through...
Kanami: I get it. I know how much you've been helping us suppress aradama this whole time.
Kanami: We'll pull this off for sure; today's operation.
Mikoto: Of course!
Mikoto: Do you know where we're doing it? I think it'd be good to be someplace like yesterday, out in the mountains where there aren't many people around.
Mai: We do too. The plan is to have Misaka-san fire off her electricity and call the aradama to a place with little people nearby.
Mii: That would be the best strategy for avoiding casualties.
Ruiko: Wah!? Th-That surprised me...
Chie: Oh no... It looks like there's multiple appearances of aradama! These readings, they're increasing little by little?
Maki: The site isn't far. All toji here will leave straight away. Misaka, it'd help if you came with us, just to be safe.
Mikoto: That's what I planned on from the start. Let's hurry! --Come on, Kuroko!
Kuroko: Of course, Onee-sama!
Kazari: ...Wait? Isn't this place where the aradama are appearing... It's right near where we first came to this world, isn't it?
Ruiko: Eh, weren't there a lot of people walking around there? ...Is this going to be okay?
Misaki: Hmmm.
Misaki: You knoww, since this might be the last time and alll, what do you think about going to take a look?
Kofuki: What's going on here? Today's aradama-chan are biting at the bit! There's loads of 'em too!
Mirja: This isn't good... Evacuations haven't been fully completed yet. As things are now, the civilians will come under attack... Shichinosato Kofuki, Setouchi Chie, hold off that large aradama!
Kofuki: Leave it all to me!
Chie: You're going to take care of the evacuations, right, Mirja-san? We'll handle things here.
Mirja: It would be too optimistic to think aradama wouldn't approach civilians in the process of evacuating, after all.
Mikoto: Can I suggest something? What if Kuroko and I go around hitting the aradama one by one with my electricity, and Shidou-san and everyone follows along taking them out?
Kuroko: It can give you some time to help lead the evacuations. Onee-sama and I should be able to do that much.
Maki: I hate to put you two in such a dangerous role, but could I ask you to do that?
Mikoto: I know, just leave it to me. Help me out here, Kuroko!
Kuroko: I can't say I don't object to you diving into danger, but you've always been one to take action at times like these, Onee-sama.
Kuroko: Then, if you'd give me your hand.
Maki: We'll take care of what we need to also.
Sanae: I know, there's one thing we have to make sure of. We can't let any of the civilians to get hurt...
Mai: Let's eliminate the aradama. Quickly!
Mikoto: Take some of this--!
Aradama: Gu... Ggu...!
Kuroko: Well done. Then, on to the next.
Kuroko: My positioning could steal one's heart, if I say so myself. Now, Onee-sama--
Aradama: Gg... Ggg...!
Mikoto: Kuroko, next!
Ruiko: Misaka-san and Shirai-san are incredible out there, but Etou-san, Tsubakuro-san, and Shidou-san are pretty amazing too... ...They're taking out aradama left and right!
Kazari: Still, there's some people who haven't evacuated yet... Is there anything we can do to lend a hand?
Mii: I think we should try not to get in their way, but I understand how you feel. Should we go ask to see if we can help a little?
Kazari: Alright...!
Ruiko: There they go. I should go with. What about you, Shokuhou-san?
Ruiko: ...Wait, what're you taking out your remote for?
Misaki: Just a little somethingg.
Misaki: I myself plan on getting to safetyy, but, more importantly, won't those two leave you behind if you don't hurry?
Ruiko: Ah! Wait up-. Uiharu-, Konori-senpai-.
Misaki: And, beep. With that--
Misaki: (By altering the memories of the people here juuust a little, so that they leave immediately, it should speed up the evacuations, shouldn't it?)
Misaki: Now it's up to Misaka-san to go at it like a workhorse.
Kanami: It looks like they've finished up evacuating, but with more and more aradama coming, can you really keep up with this!?
Mikoto: I'll be fine. Though... We need to do something about them.
Mai: Looking at the the spectrum finder, the aradama detected in the area... all seem to be gathering around Misaka-san.
Kaoru: At this rate, it'll turn out just like that operation we were setting up today.
Mikoto: ...Still, we'll just have to go along with it. I don't think we can try taking the them somewhere else at this point. If they're coming to me, we'll use that and finish them all off at once.
Kaoru: You're saying you can take care of this many of them!? Seriously...? That's crazy.
Mikoto: I have a secret weapon. I'll make sure to aim it off in the sky, so it should be safe.
Mikoto: But this could be a little dangerous for all you toji, so stand back.
Mikoto: I'm going to put an end to all the mess you're causing. ...This is me at... FULL POWERRRR!!
Mai: A-Amazing...
Yume: But hey, doesn't it look like they're all turning into one big aradama!?
Mikoto: Ah...
Kaoru: Ellen said the metal'd bond together, but I didn't think that meant the aradama would too...
Mikoto: Is this going to be okay...?
Maki: It shouldn't be a problem for us. You did a great job. Thanks.
Yume: Yeah, yeah. To pay you back for that, I'll let you see what makes me so great now~.
Yume: You just sit back and watch, Biribiri-onee-san!
Kofuki: I don't get to see aradama-chan like this all that much. Damn... I'm getting goosebumps!
Mirja: Heh, it's only at moments like this I can depend on your enthusiasm, Shichinosato Kofuki.
Chie: Kofuki-chan gets so lively at times like these, doesn't she?
Sanae: If we just handle this like we usually do, it should be fine.
Mai: Mmhm. We just need to pool our strength--
Kanami: We can do this, everyone! Let's go!

After supressing the aradama--

Mai: We managed to gather lots of that metal, but, will Misaka-san and the others really be able to get home with this?
Mikoto: To be honest, I'm not sure. Though, it's not like we'll get anywhere if we don't give it a shot.
Ellen: Grandpa said we should aim to get as much of the newly created tamahagane metal that would be needed to make one okatana. We have just enough!
Kofuki: Besides, if we just kept on picking up metal, who knows when it'd end.
Misaki: We don't know just how much of this metal came over here with us in the first placee.
Ruiko: Now that you mention it, this could be the end of our parallel world lifestyle here, huhh.
Kazari: At least be happy that we could get to go back home-.
Kazari: Though, I would have liked to have eaten more of the B-grade gourmet Iwakura-san showed me about.
Ruiko: So you feel the same, Uiharu-!
Ruiko: I wanted to look more into rumors and things unique to this world too. Who gets chances at stuff like this.
Yume: Ahaha, you onee-sans are funny!
Sanae: It's a shame we can't say we'll do that next time, but I'm glad to hear it got your interest.
Mirja: What do we need to do in order to replicate the experiment that will send you home?
Mii: When we arrived, Misaka-san sent out a strong electric current, so doesn't it seem possible doing the same thing might have the same effect?
Kaoru: If it doesn't work, we can figure something out then.
Kanami: And if it does, it might really mean goodbye. Ah, I shouldn't say "might", should I.
Mikoto: Yeah. We caused you a lot of trouble, but tha--
Kuroko: Ahh... Once Onee-sama and I return to our love nest, we can start with a gentle hug and passionate kiss.
Kuroko: And then, Onee-sama and I will, ahhhn--!!
Mikoto: K-Kuroko! Don't go causing a misunderstanding... saying things like that at a time like this!
Kuroko: Calling it a misunderstanding is too too much... And after, ever since we came to this world, I've been refraining from our everyday skinship; you're heartless, Onee-sama!
Kuroko: I can't... I can't stand it any longer, Onee-samaaahhn!
Mii: In its own way, things are already back to normal.
Mikoto: I told you, get off of me!
Ruiko: Doesn't this kind of feel like how it was like when we first came here?
Misaki: That's truee. This feels like it really could be goodbye.
Kazari: All of you toji should get away, quick! Just to be safe!
Mii: Thank you so much, for all the accomodations you gave us.
Mikoto: Aghh, come on! I wish I could've given a proper goodbye at least... Thanks for everything. We won't forget about you--
Kanami: Stay safe-! Or, they're already gone, huh.
Maki: I wonder if they managed to make it home okay.
Yume: There's not much point in asking that, is there? We can't make sure either way.
Chie: Tsubakuro-san isn't wrong. But we can at least pray for their safe return.
Kaoru: Still, esper powers, huh-. There might be all kinds of worlds out there that we just don't know about.
Kanami: Yeah! They really were unbelievable people.

6: What Do We Need to Do to Get Home?#

Kanami: Shidou-san. I brought Mikasa-san and everyone-.
Maki: Thanks. I'll get straight to the point then.
Maki: I'm sure you can all imagine why I've BROUGHT you here. The investigation into this metal found among the noro has made progress.
Ruiko: Then, you found something out?
Maki: Kohagura, can I leave the explanation to you?
Ellen: Understood! Nice to meet you, I'm Kohagura Ellen. Let's all get along, okay!
Ruiko: Wow-, check it out, Uiharu. She's huge.
Kazari: You know you shouldn't do that... Even if you're thinking it, don't say it.
Mai: Ellen-chan is the granddaughter of Dr. Friedman, the man investigating this metal, and she got us in touch with their research institute.
Ellen: First, I'll share what we've learned.
Ellen: According to Grandpa and the Special Rare Metals Utilization Research Institute, although this metal is being found in the noro, it did not exist in our world beforehand.
Ellen: Although it's similar in composition to Tamahagane, it is a different metal. Even with the same volume, it's slightly lighter, for example.
Mikoto: If it's a different metal, then that means it did come with us from our world...?
Ellen: I think there's a good chance of that.
Ellen: Of course, it's also possible that it was created at the point you all arrived here, for some still unknown reason.
Mii: It seems clear that the tamahagane created from the experiment Misaka-san helped with is something brand new.
Kuroko: Though, that much won't help us find a means of going back to our own world.
Kaoru: Oi, Ellen. How about you tell them the theory you were talking about before?
Ellen: I guess I should. This isn't confirmed yet, but we have a hypothesis about our world, your world, and what caused them to be linked together.
Ellen: According to Grandpa, this metal, which closely resembles tamahagane, may have been a catalyst for going through the netherworld to here.
Mikoto: So, if we came here through the netherworld, how would we go about getting back home?
Ellen: If we assume that the tamahagane you tried to create also exists in your original world, if we try to form the same tamahagane here, then--
Kazari: You mean, the same thing that happened when we came here might happen again?
Ellen: We're only talking hypothetically, but that's exactly right! And, for that reason, we'll need to gather as much of that generated metal as we possibly can.
Kanami: So then, when we're on missions, there might be aradama with that metal inside them, so we need to watch out.
Mai: Yep! From the aradama we've defeated in the past few days, there seems to be lots of cases of finding noro containing that metal, though only in small amounts.
Kanami: We'll get up a whole bunch of it so you can go home, so just wait a little while longer.
Mikoto: Thank you.
Mikoto: But, let us do what we can too. We might not be able to defeat aradama, but I think we can help. It seems like we're the cause of this, after all.
Kanami: With your electric shocks, and depending on how we use Shirai-san's teleportation, it might be effective in fighting aradama?
Kuroko: If that's what Onee-sama plans on doing, I, Kuroko, will offer you toji my assistance.
Mikoto: Shidou-san. Will you allow us to help you eliminate the aradama?
Maki: I'd honestly like to refuse you here, but, alright. Only on the condition that you never put yourselves at risk. Fighting the aradama is our duty.
Mikoto: Understood, thank you very much! Alright-, let's go!
Kanami: Let's give it our all, Misaka-san!
Misaki: Do your best, everyone~.